Feedback On My Game?

I just created my first game! I was wondering if anyone could give me any feedback? Thanks.


I mean, its very simple but by no means bad. What did you make here? No offense but it looks like a few free models and a donation board. There is nothing wrong with using free models but stuff like that should at-least be said when asking for feedback on a game so we can take into account the effort put into the game.

Simple things like this that contain donation related things and dev products come off a little greedy so just be wary.

If i were you i would add more ways for players to engage with each-other. Since it is a hangout why not make it bigger and add some places where people can hang out? Campsite? Cabin maybe? Remove the donation board and incorporate it into some time of UI and maybe give it some sort of theme like fantasy or even a Christmas theme.

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The donation board is the only “free model” i used… Thanks for the advice, I will differently use some of your ideas!