Feedback on my game


Hey there! I’m xXLuka_XD, and I’m a new member on this forum.
Today I have decided that I wanted to ask for feedback and criticism for my new game, as I don’t know if the game’s concept is good, or if the people will like it, and if they think that the game looks good enough
(I know that my building lacks, and that is cause I’m not good with it.)

What is the game about?

It is about fighting bosses, getting levels to progress to the next bosses, getting new weapons and powers and most importantly, having fun fighting those bosses!

[DEMO] A Warrior’s Insignia


Only played against the Gladiator, and theres a few problems in my opinion.
The move where he starts shooting swords at you is almost undodgeable, that wouldnt be a problem if one barrage of swords didnt take away around 1/5 of your hp. It could be fixed by many ways: make the swords slower/player faster/make them deal less damage
It would also probably be better if they couldnt use one attack many times in a row - when he sends out five sword barrages in a row and youre using a sword then its game over because of rng, and it doesnt look good.

I dont have a problem with losing levels on death but it would most likely make people frustrated at the game and leave so maybe take that out.

Another good thing would be if you would let people change the powers, you dont really know what youre getting into and you might want to choose a different power.

Definitely add music to the game.

About your buiding, the hub is too big in my opinion, its a bit featureless but thats not really a problem, just make it smaller.

I really like the concept and the fight is good, it definitely has potential.


Thank you for replying and testing out the game, and giving feedback aswell I really appreciate it!

I thought of making the penalty be losing levels upon death, since I felt like grinding and learning its attacks are essential to overcoming the boss.

I thought about making powers obtained once when you join the game for the first time, and afterwards you will be able to either purchase starting ones or craft new ones. (I haven’t gotten to that point yet, but I wanted to say it since it is my opportunity to learn about what you guys think!)

For the other bosses, I’m sorry you didn’t get to experience them, as I have made them only for higher levels, which I’ll change so that people can give me their opinion.
Lastly, thank you again for giving me feedback on this I really appreciate it! :+1:

I think the game is interesting, but you really need to work on the UX and UI. I have no idea what to do, where to go, why am I here, and how I can do stuff.

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Its definitely a good attempt! Being a jack of all trades can be very frustrating, so it was definitely a not bad for something you worked on yourself. A few things I noticed though;

The UI on mobile is broken. Usually you’d want to only use the scale of udim2 to make sure ui stays the same on all platforms.

The bow seems to be impossible to use on mobile as well. It will shoot in the corner if your moving, and will keep shooting in the last place I touched. That mechanic needs to be looked at, but honestly.

I’m curious, what’s your plan for this game?

Other than balance changes, this definitely has potential! You should be proud you put this together on your own.

Thanks for responding!

Yeah, I’m proud for this myself since this is the second time I made something myself without any help from tutorials or helpers, and it is a first game that I have made to work out just fine.

Sadly, mobile stuff I have yet to learn, which I’ll have to wander around wiki to learn. (UI Scaling seems a bit off, so I guess I will learn not to use the plugin hmm.)

My plan is to transform a normal RPG game into a boss fighting simulator, with features like weapons and power dropping, crafting, and maybe some kind of lore. (That’s what I think?)

I don’t know if I’ll be able to make a fully working crafting system with UI, but that is for the future.

Thanks again!