Feedback on my game!

Hello everyone!
5 August 2020 I started a new project called “Prism” Which is a future type shooter game. Right now I have the basics done like the Gun system. I’m kinda proud of this system (My work). So today I just thought about putting some clips of the guns to if it needs improvment.
I’m not the best scripter anyways, so it might be kind of helpful?
Here is a video of all 3 guns i have made right now, which is a bolt action sniper, assault rifle and a pistol.


Also, tell me if I should change category because I don’t know
More stuff: I know the gui is glitched. I’ll fix that.
Thanks, Samir.


The UI is very nice and I like the guns and the way they are held. To improve it you could either do it as a 1st person shooter or a 3rd person shooter, I will link an article on how to make a 3rd person shooter below if you are interested.

Hope this helps,

Kind Regards, TheReverseRainbow

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It’s okay! It is what I needed!
I was about to reply about this game being a third person shooter
Thanks for the feedback too! :smile:

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Looks really good! In the class selection UI, however, i would suggest the class the Player has selected look a little different than the others, so the player will know which class they are currently using. (Sorry if this sounds weird, it’s my first constructive reply.)

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You are most certainly welcome, I am happy to help.

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Thanks for the feedback!
I will make sure to fix that!
Have a good day! :grin:

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The game looks good so far. The ammo should hide when in the menu screen though and the cube on the end of the gun looks odd.

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Thanks for the feedback!
I know the ammo label isn’t supposed to be visible when the gun isn’t equipped and the cube is kinda odd.
Those are small stuff that are easy to fix and are there because of testing.
Like I said, the game is still in testing.
Have a great day! :smile:

Looks quite nice! The models fit well, but maybe make some sights if you go first person?

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Thanks you!
The game won’t be first person because I’m not that good at scripting and I didn’t understand tutorials.
But maybe in the future, I might add selection between first person and third person.
Have a great day/night!

I understand you not wanting the game to be first person. But upon further inspection of the video, I found something. The model from the lasers or bullets come from isn’t transparent. I suggest making it transparent.

Other than that, the gun model looks nice.

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I know it isn’t transparent but i’ve already mentioned that its a small thing made when testing. that cube is no longer visible. Have a great day/night!

Looks pretty decent! Also. what’s the audio you use for the clicking of the UI? I’d like to use it for my game.

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Hello Everyone!
Thank you for your feedback! Really enjoyed talking to you.
After all these feedbacks, all of them (I think) are added to the game.
Here is the video!


It was from the toolbox. I can give you the id:

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