Heya it’s me and I want I created a game not so long ago and I haven’t released it yet but it is now playable! I need you to give feedbacks on my game here:
Please do note that my game is not broken because the same maps keep spawning:
I haven’t created more maps yet, I’m still focusing on the main essence of the game
Please do give proper feedback and criticism, I would also love to hear bug reports from you! also If you have any questions regarding the game, you can join the official Discord Server of the game here:
I think it’s a fun little concept. I played until I beat the map that I was on, which took about a minute. Pretty cool game. One thing to note, there seems to be some glitching of surfaces going on with your obby.
I am the only one but still the game says there are two players.
Sometimes it shows there are 4 to 5 players.
The Wait()is too much if you look at the time of choosing map it takes like 5 seconds to load.
Make the wait something like 2 same applied when a player wins the round it takes a long time.
There is a white killing spinning thing in the map.It’s kinda slow ppl would win easily against that. Trying making it a bit fast.
The logo I would say good for now.
Also put [BETA] or [ALPHA] or [PRE - ALPHA] in the game name. Since there is only one map so.
And ofcourse put a catchy game description. Add emoji’s to make it more beautiful.
The reason why I like this game is I am frequent player of TOH and some of the items in the game is similar to TOH.
Good Game, I only have 1 thing i dont like so far which is the lobby. I’m not sure if your making a new one but that lobby does not look the best, sorry.
Hi, I would just like to thank you for your reply and what you think about the game
Ahh my no. 1 problem, because ofbecause of My poor memory. I always forget to empty the contestants table after the game ends.
ok I’ll try to reduce the wait also I’m not exactly sure how to reduce the wait time of the map loading because I actually made an if statement to check if all the parts and scripts in the maps are fully loaded, idk why It really takes that long
Yes I forgot to speed up the value of the hinge constraint I am using, but I’ll try to speeden it up as soon as possible
I always forgot putting that on It’s because of my slow internet connection and my 4G Ram Computer -.-
Yes I will once the game is on Alpha
Thank you for that, the idea for the game is to have different obby modes like speedrun mode, tower mode or something.
Yeah I know the lobby can be seen, I still can’t remove the baseplate because that’s the place where I’m building the obby and as I said, the lobby is still a prototype
lol I didn’t notice that, I’ll try not to make it a fence, Ill make it like a wooden wall or something
seeing the waterfall from that view, I might have to change the waterfall lol, It’s having seizures and yeah your right, I really need to scale the grass and fix some Z fighting
in this very early non pre alpha game, the only way you can have coins is to finish the obby itself, but in future updates I might add coins that are scattered around the map to collect
Thank you for that and I also appreciate your post