Feedback on my Gamepass Icon

Hello, I am Snowy. and I have finally begun my journey as a GFX Artist! and I would like some feedback on my first GFX (I’m assuming gamepass icons fall under this category)

❆ - x2 Backpack Space ← The name of the gamepass should describe what it does

It’s not that I don’t like it… Something is just off for me so I wanted to get a few pairs of fresh eyes to look at it for me :smiley:


Hello! It looks great but my eyes cant stand the brightness of the sparkles, maybe make the sparkles less bright or just less sparkles.


i think it’s because of the sparkles that’s making it strange, try adding less sparkles or make the green background a bit darker

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This is honestly amazing! The sparkles is the one that hit me. It’s a little too bright and maybe you could make it less brighter? Besides that, it is amazing and well made!

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Honestly, this looks amazing it’s just the sparkles it’s too bright maybe make the sparkles a little bit less bright it might look better.


If you didn’t look at the name of the gamepass, you would still be able to tell what it does based off of the picture. Pretty good


its nice but add in some shadows to it like depth, that would look better


Looks great! Personally I don’t mind the sparkles that much, but would love to see a version of it without them so I can get a clearer idea of it. Other than that, well done!