Hey, I have been developing on Roblox for 3 years, but only started making a game for 2 years, and I would like some feedback on what may be driving players away or thing in general. I will accept any feedback regardless of how critical it is or not. We are possibly releasing an update in a few weeks and I want to include patches/new things or improvements. -Farmboy014
Don’t want to be rude by any means but man, If I have to be honest, this game feels like it’s trying hard to be Jailbreak.
The thumbnails are a mixed feeling. Some look good and some really not. I really like this one and the other similiar but with a cop, the rest is either stretched or just overall bad
(Isn’t that the guy from Jailbreak thumbnails?)
Slapping creator’s name on Roblox, Twitter and Discord was really a need? The watermark could be just a text. Discord tag and others can be mentioned in the description, it just breaks the aesthetic (or whatever) -
Looking at the game, well. The whole HUD, city and other things just look like Jailbreak, I know it might be just an inspiration but it’s too much. When you’re entering the city the area just looks the same as Jailbreak, Bank lobby is basically the same, garage looks weirdly the same as the old garage (proximately 2017 or 2018) Even the criminal base is in vulcan, damn. The starter car is a camaro too how weird
Police team is just… Fine I guess? Equipment models look nice with the exception of taser which looks pretty weird (not really like a taser either) Haven’t had chance to arrest a criminal
Car models give me mixed feelings too. The starter camaro looks nice but it doesn’t have wheels for some reason. The speedy and next camaro don’t look that good as the starter car. Car physics are just alright I guess, the only problem is that if you get stuck/car falls over there is no reset button or anything like that
There’s not much to say about lighting, I think it’s fine
What’s the point of taxes if you’re a criminal? I don’t think a criminal would pay taxes
Have to point out some small bugs:
If you hold W or S while exiting a car, the car will drive by itself and will not stop until you drive it again
You can just jump in the driver seat instead of holding E to enter in (unless it was to be the other way around)
Can’t buy speedy car, the button just doesn’t work
I don’t know any more issues
The reason why players are drifting away might be just that it looks like a Jailbreak copy, it’s better just to play the real game. It needs to be original, make the game unique!
Thank you for the feedback! The W/S bug is patched already and ready for next update. what cash amount did you have when buying speedy? The jump in driver seat was so mobile players could have better chance. Police taser will receive an update soon. We have a new car modeler so cars should be better. The point of taxes was to make try hard’s have a challenge(Only affects if you have a huge amount) The theme of the city was to base it off of jailbreak but have it changed so it does not look too much like jailbreak. We had someone model the garage and bank. The Criminal base was made differently. The creator of the icon/thumbnails put the watermark in, i will chat with them. If a car gets stuck wait and it autoflips back. How would you recommend we improve? Thank you for the feedback. -Farmboy014
I had like 22k cash when I tried to buy speedy, I clicked the button and it doesn’t work. I got to 50k and bought the second camaro without any problems
About the car autoflipping, you need to work a bit on the terrain near the roads, sometimes it’s too low and it’s almost impossible to drive with a car on it, sometimes you just get stuck and are forced to get a new car
You can remove the jump in for the PC players, it will be better for sure
ok, noted, The price of the Speedy is 250k but in the update next month it will specify better. I will/ am still working on the terrain near roads.
It’s pretty much like jailbreak. The map is a bit more bland otherwise it’s decent. Sadly this game have no chance to survive on the platform, unless you support it heavily with robux everyday.
That’s actually what I meant throughout my opinion. It needs to be original as currently it looks too much like jailbreak. It needs something unique to attract players
We have another builder so we can do weekly updates and a revamp
Right now there’s nothing, sad.
The UIs, vehicles and EVERYTHING is like Jailbreak but a bit worse, how do you expect it to survive? It’ll take potentially months to fix them, but if you’re willing to suceed then try adding citizen role, and yeah, fix the GUIs that looks like free vectors. And the plain terrain.
Fix the basis first for example the problem of being exactly like Jailbreak but a bit worse overall. Try to make it AS GOOD first then you can try to innovate, but currently it’s like a bland replication of it.
We will see what we can do in 2 weeks.
Your best bet is to change the game completely, or even work on something new.
Competing with Jailbreak is pretty much impossible, Mad City took over for a little bit but now once again Jailbreak is on top. It has one of the best development teams on this platform; and the resembelence between yours and Jailbreak is uncanny.

The art style is exactly the same, with a more bland city.
If you really want to go for a criminal or prison game then make it different.
I don’t want to sound rude, but your game could really use some improvement. I can just tell by the thumbnail that it’s a low-quality game.
You should make the game look more appealing and less “winged” before publishing it.
Also, why would people play your game instead of… let’s say Jailbreak? Because your game is very similar. You should also work on having more originality instead of just copying a game with 5B+ visits.
The feedback is clear, you need to either redo a major part of the game or…
It’s very much like a game heavily inspired by Jailbreak, even the creators avatar is like the creators of Jailbreak:
V.S Asimo3089:
I can tell you probably really enjoy Jailbreak, I will be the person to break the ice here and I’ll be giving you constructive criticism, and try to help in some ways.
One: Try with making your own styled game, and not heavily inspired by Jailbreak, cause than it will just seem like a clone, players would possibly want to go to the authentic game then yours, I’m saying this with marketing experience.
You should rename the game to something else, I sadly have no ideas on what a new name for it would be, but I’m sure the community has some ideas!
Two: Seems like your newer to making games like these, honestly I think its cute! I remember when I use to be the same like you, don’t give up if anyone ever posts something that could hurt/offend you, I think you should keep trying, and keep improving! Don’t overwork yourself though
The dev team and I are going to do a complete restart on the game., based on the feedback provided.
I would like to revisit this and get more feedback. The game has gone through several changes in a year, and I would like to gather new information on it. Crimetown