Feedback on my GamingRoom build

Hello. This is my 2nd serious build and I am proud of this one because I built everything from scratch (or some of my old models) and I learnt a lot from this. I am mostly just a scripter so for the first time today I found out how to negate and union :sweat_smile:. Anyway, inspired from a picture online, I tried to create a GamingRoom build.

Here’s screenshots :

At night

The computer desk & chair

Shelf & guitar (dummy for scale)

The table where that thing is played, sorry idk much english.

Television and sofa

The room (night)

The room (day)

Last pic

That was the whole build. It took me 5 whole hours, because I have 0 experience with building. Anyway, I would appreciate honest feedback.

Game link if you wanna check it out : roomBUILD - Roblox

Oh noes! “active windows go to settings” popup! → dies of embarassment


I like it! The only thing that could make this build even better is a more gaming-themed chair like the one below. More decoration on the tv table would also be nice!

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awesome that’s my dream gaming room xD

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