Hello, I am Diamond and this is my second post on the Dev Forums, To Improve my art, I need critics and people’s suggestions so that I can apply them in my future art works. Please don’t hesitate to say something that might offend me, I need your suggestions and pure criticism on this. Thanks
The design looks good, however the lighting is quite overdone in the first image, perhaps try to move it away from the character’s body, I’m assuming it’s an effect placed into the characters’ hair perhaps decrease the effect or lighting.
My only recommendation would be to add more characters in the scene. Most of the images show one character in their own theme you could even add different background selections or perhaps include useful objects that looks interesting overall that’s just my opinion, if this was something that was created for fun I can see why the designs feature similar looks.
I’ll say your graphic designs are looking quite good, but there’s always space for improvements.
Eevee Rendering is a great source to get used to, and I would recommend keeping up your practice with that.
Arm bending can improve, as the left arm looks a bit squished in on the elbow, and the right arm looks a bit off, as if it wasn’t on the torso at all, turning it a bit to the left would help.
Background is basic, try messing around with a few.
Lighting is a bit awkward, bright on the top, and makes the shadow’s a bit off.
2nd Image
Expand the brick wall!
Lighting is a bit poor on this one compared to your first one.
Arm bending would make this look nicer.
3rd Image
The arm bending on here is a lot better, however if you would of lowered the shoulders and lowered the camera, would look more natural.
4th Image
Was this a coolaberation piece? Or is this a signature of yours?
Render and flame trace is very good.
5th Image
It’s very plain and boring, it’s not that eye-appealing and does need work.
You always start somewhere, and I’m sure you’ll be able to improve.
Basically that was my 2nd GFX ever made, I was using my old rig I made which only was for R6 characters which I was limited to, I can’t even bend the legs of the character.
1st of all it’s not a brick, It’s a tree, but yes the lighting is poor, I haven’t had the chance to redo it because my old laptop only carries 2G of ram and it lags because of the night time shadowing I made
I became very lazy on that, That text came from After Effects along with the Saber Plugin, it became like that because I used Photoshop to polish the GFX I made
yes I know, even my friend says that, I’m just starting out with 2d artistry, Icon making, and thumbnail making, and yes there is always a room for improvement
Thank your for your perfect criticism you just made!
No problem man, I know it does take time to get some work down.
My mistake on that one, it looked very similar in my eyes.
I understand the struggle of having a poor computer, my old laptop only had a i6-6006U processor with 8GB of RAM, so I was stuck on Blender 2.79 on it. I recently got a new laptop and it preforms wayyy better for my Graphic Designing needs.
I would recommend trying the Gradient tool on your text, and mixing colours to get more of an appeal towards logos, here’s some that I worked on personally.
The showcase is interesting, but I feel like the last image doesn’t go with the rest of images, since the rest is experienced and advanced. You don’t have to delete the last image, since the showcase is awesome!
Well I have some critics for you, but before that please don’t be offensive. I really put attention on details. Also I really criticized something very detailed so please don’t hate me. This is the critics: First Picture
The shine hurt my eyes. Please fix it.
Is it just me or the flame on the hoody looks less that realistic.
Second Picture
I don’t have any critics on this picture because it looks perfect.
Third Picture
What is he holding? Is he holding an orb or a flash light. This confuse me at the first because of the shadow that is behind the thing. If that’s an orb, please make it in the middle.
I have see that the face is not smooth. It looks like a picture from google that has been enlarge
Why is the left hand have some stripes. It make it looks bad
The long-sleeved clothes is fine, but why is the torso part looks bad(Maybe it’s just me)
Fourth Picture
I don’t have any critics on this picture because it looks like a champ.
The Game Thumbnail
Looks nice for an obby game, but I would suggest using better fonts and design to make players interested
Thanks for reading my critics. Hope you have a nice day.
In most of these the lighting is either way too bright or way too subtle, mostly too bright. The first GFX was way too bright, like his hair was neon or something. Overall very nice.