Feedback on my GFX pfp!

Feedback is appreciated!!! If you have any tips for me or ideas for my next gfx tell me please!!! :smiley:


why did you add nose and ears bruh also what is he doing with his arms


that nose tho… makes it too creepy. the hand posing is weird its just not like that. the lighting does match though but make it pop out more.


I added a nose and ears to make it look cool and the pose is based off of someones else pose:

Screenshot 2021-11-24 7.32.38 PM

Gfx above not mine


Thank you for your wonderful feedback!!! This will really help me improve!!!

to add onto the hand posing, both gfx you posted (i know blue one aint yours) have the arm detached from the body, and yours has it too much to one side, so make it closer to the body and torso. and push it more downwards.

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Thank you for your feedback!!!

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So goood!! llolololol the nose is the best part

The glasses are a bit weird cuz they are kind of floating and don’t really fit him, also maybe green shirt on green background isn’t the best, otherwise so good!

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you need to push the pose more. in your reference the torso is almost completely sideways. in your render, the torso is almost facing the camera.

your background is a little blurry too, and so is the render for some reason… if you used blender, push the resolution a bit

personal opinion, but the nose is a bit uncanny


I do agree with the others that the nose is a little strange. It makes it seem more real than a Roblox character would really be.

Other than that, I think it’s fine!


I wouldn’t base your gfx off bad gfxs

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Which is a good gfx to base it off then? (please share examples)

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Boy why da nose why da nose :sneezing_face:
It just makes it look very bad

The nose and ears just makes this quite weird.

Not sure if it’s just me, but the image seems like it has very low resolution. Also, how did you make the arm curve like that? Did you use blender?

Looks kinda funny. Try to use normals.

That nose is uh… Interesting!
However, I love it!

The pictures look pretty low res. Background is a bit too generic. Nose makes me uncomfortable.

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Personally I think it’s funny, if that’s the theme you’re trying to go with. If not, then I would say possibly remove the nose :rofl: Well done!

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