Feedback on my gfx

Made this scene at 2 am lol.


Dude your amazing! You have an amazing talent! Keep it up!


It is really amazing I love it. But I would maybe add some more smooth edges to the Watering Can and change it’s position just a little it looks like it is floating. But other than that I love it keep it up (and maybe make the garage door a little darker color, it looks like it is glass and light goes through it)


its pretty good. i like how the background (which is obviously an image) is well composited into the blender scene, even though the light matching isn’t perfect. there shouldn’'t be as much grass in the garage unles the door has been open for a LONG time, maybe you can improve on the car model, but other than that it’s get? maybe some DoF and fake noise would do you well?


Oh my god! This is awesome! Although I recommend trying to work on editing and backgrounds and working on lighting. Although those small errors, this is true art! Great work!


this looks so cool and deadly . nice!

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you did really great merging the background and the blender work together, the only things I see that pops out and looks odd is the watering can and the vents, they look to smooth. Other than that, it’s great

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Great work. How long did it take you? Also keep it up! :100:

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Thanks! It took me almost a day since I was kinda tired and didn’t make much progress.