Feedback on my GFX

Ello developers!

I have made a renders, rate them and tell me what you think of it!

Before Photoshop:

After Photoshop:

Feedback is wanted, thanks!


American Horror Armies
LoL (char limit)

sorry, i delete the post but, its cool

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It looks great, that’s a nice gfx for a border-style game or an army roleplay game.


Thank you for the feedback!
That is exactly what I am using it for.

I’ll like some feedback on my GFX instead of just saying that but ok.

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Thank you for the feedback! If you would like to recommend any other changes, go ahead!

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The tree’s leaves’ background shouldn’t be opaque and this goes for the grass too.
The first guy with the AKM holds it weirdly and the weapon is supposed to be a standard issue USMC weapon, not a AKM.
And their faces should be at least a little different to make it look like 2 different people.

For the edited one; the font is not good and the contrast hurts my eyes.


Also not enough action or amount of soldiers, this just look like a below average generic army. When I search army or MRP there’s tons of GFX icons and this is so far one of the worst.


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll take these idea’s into consideration.

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The gun pose is weird theyre hard ik but you notice them a lot, other thing id that the text looks worse so for me 1st one looked better.

For the grass you used blenders particle system, however you did not change the object it should render as. You just kept it at hair and the default settings. Next time I recommend finding a grass model and using that in the particle system. If that’s too confusing just let me know and I’ll find a video to help you out. The next thing is the tree, someone mentioned it already. Try finding an actual tree model because Roblox textures on trees get messed up when exported to blender.