Feedback on my GFX

I do GFX for fun and I don’t do commissions, though I would like to start. However, I don’t feel that my GFX skills are competent enough. Does anyone know what I can do to improve? Am I ready to start doing commissions or should I improve more before I do so? Here are some examples.


Looks epic my guy. Keep up the amazing work! I love the first one, I like the second one also but it kinda looks weird idk why.

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I love the idea of the second one, except that there’s way too much noise. I recommend using the denoise node. I was worse than you and I already did commissions, so go for it! I’d do a denoise node though, or if you don’t want to use the denoise node in Cycles, go for Eevee for fast renders. I also recommend some volumetrics for the street lamp, seems like there’s something missing. The road should reflect the street lamp lighting the area. Since it’s night time, why does the bike have no lights on? Why is the avatar not lighted by the street lamp? All those small details make a GFX great. The materials also look a bit plain, maybe use a zip with PBR textures or ROBLOX textures, so they look better. There’s a lot to improve, but you’re good enough, especially if you follow all these tips!


I think you should use Denoising because I see a lot of noise.

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Your watermark is awkwardly placed in the first one. The watermark should not take away from the subjects of the artwork. Consider moving it to one of the corners (top of the artwork would be better).


I took your suggestions and applied them to one GFX, what do you think? Can this be improved in any way or is it fine?

(“Sofa” horror game idk why)

It looks great and I like how its about a sofa. But I think the title is bright and in front so it atracts the eye. But its great.

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Really great! I’d add some lighting to reflect the red eyes on the character though.

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