Feedback on my GFX

Hello everyone!
My name is Jack and I got promoted to a member in DevForum a couple minutes ago. I am bad at organization but i’ll try my best to provide what i’m showing.
I have some GFX’s which i’ve done previously and I’ve been wanting suggestions on which I could improve at.

These are my recent onces I things which I could improve on. Please let me know if you have suggestions :smiley:


you should texture everything instead of importing and rendering with a character.
It rly looks ugly like that.
and the render quality is bad

The Bakugo one has a little too much fire (visual “noise”) immediately around him, which sort of makes him blend into the rest of the picture.

Lonely Xazo on moon doesn’t have enough contrast between the foreground (Xazo and car) and the background, especially his hood and that dark crater behind him.

Overall, they’re pretty good otherwise.

Can you suggest me how to texture? I am not sure what you mean by “texturing everything”. I did a 1920x1080 render quality, so is the problem with my characthers or photoshop?

Okay thanks. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the contrast either in blender or C4d?

An effect called “rim lighting” applied very subtly might help with the Xazo one.

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you open the material tab of either Blender or whatever thing u use

add texture


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No offense Cacexo, but I think the render quality is nice! And it doesn’t look “Ugly.” I think he was looking for criticism not rudeness.

that is criticism, just in a negative manner


Your creations really look fantastic! For me, I don’t think you need textures as they look really good even without it.

He didin’t have to say it was really ugly tho… That’s why I said he was rude.


It’s a good. I don’t mind him being harsh as I know he’s a excellent GFX maker and can point out mistakes.