Hello! I’ve currently been testing out Blender 2.8 and decided to make a GFX. Any feedback or suggestions when it comes to making a GFX?
This looks pretty good! Although, maybe add something in the background or show where the light is coming from? I can’t really tell where this is.
The background could definitely use some detail. Right now it looks like you’re standing in a dark alleyway with some light shining in from the street. Otherwise, not bad at all.
Looks great! Maybe add a background though.
It is hard to tell what, um, “vibe” you want to give off with this GFX. The avatar appears to be smiling, and usually a smiling person sniffing a flower is associated with peace and happiness. However, the background and lighting completely contradict this. It appears to be pitch black, with a single dramatic spotlight coming from above.
My suggestion would be to give the avatar a more serious expression, or make the background more lighthearted.
Hope this helped!