Feedback on my GFX

Hello, this is my first post! I’m doing several gfx because I would like to work with that. Before publishing my portfolio, I would like to receive feedback from you! Thanks :smile:





These GFX looks amazing! To make them better you should make the sky blue instead of bright yellow and orange-ish. The trees look really good.

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Thank you so much! I’ll try to make it better next time :slight_smile:

Looks cool! Notice you used eevee though, try using cycles. It’s what I use and it never disappoints me. Beautiful concepts though. Good job!

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Oh yes, I already tried to use cycles but for some reason my hats become invisible.

They look good, but you should work on the lighting more. The 2nd in my opinion looks better than the first, but still you did a good job. Good luck and welcome to the forum!

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Thank you! I’ll watch some lighting tutorials.

Easy fix, just disconnect the alpha node in the shader editor for each hat texture to remove the transparency. I’m sure there are different tutorials on how to fix this.

With more experience, this will come natural to you, don’t give up.

Ok, I’ll try this next time! Thank you for the feedback :smile:

That looks very good, the lighting is very good! I don’t see anything that will make it look better but in my opinion, the first GFX looks good. Keep up the good work.

The reason your hats are clear when you use cycles is because you probably have alpha connected to color, here’s a picture of it happening to me:

To fix this, just disconnect alpha from color.

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Personally, I think the bunnies are in the exact same position, rotate the right one a little.

Also, I don’t think a noob with a turbo builders hat and a super happy face should be holding the bunny.

I think maybe a female avatar should be holding them.

Lol I made this for my friend.

Wow, they look amazing! I love the lighting effect in the back in both pictures! 10/10

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The GFX looks really good, but I think you should work on your posing. The first one looks a bit strange in the pose that he is in and in the second one it looks like his hand is inside his elbow, they are colliding. These are little mistakes and this GFX is overall really good.

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