Feedback on my GFX?

Hello, my name is Xander. I made this GFX today and i would like a review on the GFX i made, i know it isn’t that good but i would atleast like a feedback, thanks!


pretty sick wish i could be as talented as you :cry:


Wow (That was a good wow lol). I only have 1 thing I would change, and it is the font of the text. Honestly if i didn’t see your roblox username, I couldn’t be able to read that at all. I only recognized it from the B and the X. Overall, 9.5/10.

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In my opinion, the character looks kinda stubby. He looks like he got smashed in the head with a hammer like in those cartoons. Not really sure if that was intentional or not, maybe you were going for more of a childlike approach? Also, like @PorgDotOrg mentioned, I can hardly read any of the text. I’m guessing it says “bluexander”? The “a” honestly looks like a “d” and the “r” looks like a “t”. Putting all that aside, the GFX looks pretty good! I like the background, it has a cool texture. It reminds me of the trim on PewDiePie’s gaming chair. I would give it an 8.5/10.

Overall it’s pretty good. I think the lighting looks a weird to the background, most likely because of the light being too intense, not sure. I also suggest moving the arms closer to the torso since currently it looks disconnected. I would also suggest darking up the bottom half of the body as well (by moving the light so it mainly pointed at the face) so your eyes are more focused on the face instead of the torso

The sunlight shade reflecting on the right side of his head is very distracting. I’d probably remove that, and give it a dark feel

Looks, good but the only things that you need to change is the lighting first of all and the font of the text at the bottom because it’s hard to read it add a little bit more overlays to make it darker and one more thing keep up the great work and enjoy the feedback it will help you to learn.

In my opinon,

The text is kinda hard to read, I would say that it should be white text. That will be cool. You make white to grey gredient if you want.

Also, I’m kinda agree with BradsBiscuits. The “d” looks kinda indistinguishable.

Other than that, it looks great! Not gonna lie.