Hi! So I would like some honest feedback on my AD. Don’t be afraid to say harsh things, I would like to know how I can improve it.
Group Name: Sour Productions.
Hi! So I would like some honest feedback on my AD. Don’t be afraid to say harsh things, I would like to know how I can improve it.
Group Name: Sour Productions.
I think it looks very nice. One big thing though is the text is not super easy to see. My eyes immediately want to look at the woman due to the high contrast between yellow & black. The text doesn’t stand out too much.
Sorry for the late response, I must’ve dozed off! Anyways, I made changes to it. I made the text a bit bigger and bolder.
This is better, the text is readable but not eye catching, you should change the color or maybe add a shadow behind it. You really want people to see it directly when they look at the ad, appart from that this looks pretty nice!
Not a problem. I see that it is much bolder like @Aqua_Turneur said. I have to agree that, even though it’s a bit easier to read, the text just doesn’t pop out from the background because the color is too similar.
Text doesn’t contrast with the background enough. Try a different colour, or even a different shade just to make it pop out more.
Everything else looks nice.
Looking really nice, though I think you could do something about the text. Maybe it can be a little hard for some people to see it. Just consider it. Otherwise looking nice.
nake the text pop out more, other than that its okay (some ways are changing colour or outlining it) as your making the character the main focus instead of the text
Kind of late on this but the text just doesn’t stand out for me, I would personally using a font with no serif - for dyslexic people - and then increase font size; once that’s done, I would change the fore colour to a better opposite from the background so there’s more contour.
Perhaps you could have the person in the middle and the text underneath, we as humans tend to be more attracted to symmetrical content.
That’s looking better, I like the curved text but I would still create more of a disparity between the fore text colour and its linked background.
This group advertisement banner looks good! Nice job on it!
Looks good! I would add maybe a darker stroke to the text to make it stick out but other than that good job!
Make the text more vibrant so that it is easier to read and see
Text looking much better too now