Feedback on my GTA-Based game!

I am looking for feedback on my GTA-Based game. I have posted for feedback before (as you may have noticed), but I like to keep track for if we are moving forward or back. This is a project involving multiple developers. If there is something you enjoy, or want to be added, feel free to let us know in the replies!

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Gameplay Capture:


Experience: Bloxity City - Roblox

Enjoy! And feel free to favorite to come back or follow for next update announcement!


BreeZ :+1:t2:


Scrolling through the forums impatiently waiting for my requests to do a bug report rolls in and coincidentally came across this post. And since I have played this game some time back from the Developer Hub - Roblox, let me say its pretty fun and you should tag some friends along for some classic fighting and exploration.


Less 18+ :relieved: , Iā€™m used to this aspect from 2016 and then , this gives me nostalgia

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