April 23, 2022, 4:19am
I want to make GUI for my game but I dont know how to improve it and I dont know if it looks fine.
I updated it very often but I still dont know how to improve it. My friends said that they also dont know how to make it more polished.
I would appreciate it if you would give me some feedback on my GUI.
Thank you
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I have two questions and one suggestion.
Can you send me the full window of ur roblox studio cuz i want to see the position of he gui.
Have you checked if ur gui will not fit for 720p player or mobile player because of the offset
If yes, I recommend you to use a plugin.
AutoScale Lite By ZacBytes
I think the gui is too small for the monlie user.
April 23, 2022, 5:34am
Thanks for the feedback, yes I already scaled the Gui so that its working on every devices
Note: The Guard mode button is not neccessary for regular players
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If you want to make ur gui more polish, actually, you can learn and study more about GUI Animations, and i think you can first make a graph or sth like that to make you have the concept of ur gui effect order. If you can do this, ur gui will be smooth and nice like this. Hope that i can help you
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April 23, 2022, 9:05pm
Ill try to do it, thanks!