Feedback on my GUI's

Hi everyone,

I would like you to give me feedback on my game’s GUI’s.

(This is on test mode in Roblox Studio so you can see the sprint button)


Looks good but adding rounded edges that clip content such as for the Enter Name field doesn’t look very good. So the only thing that I think you should change would be toning down on the rounded edges.

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All of the UI Corner UI’s are set to 0, 40, all of them.

I was just recommending to tone it down it seems like 15 would be a good start.

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It doesn’t make much of a difference from the original 0,8.

it’s plain simple but looking at the GUI, you should hide those GUI if player hasn’t been pressing “Play” after that they should be able to see the GUI.


Looks amazing, I love the style!

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I feel like the corners are way too exaggerated. Turn the radius down a little, maybe to default.

Everything other then the title text and the play button shouldn’t be visible, enable them when the player clicks play. Also disable the coregui until they play.

Try removing the background of the title, and maybe come up with something more creative or memorable for the title, also add a settings and credits button.

Hope this helps a little.


The play GUI is clickable along with the blurred background, it’s a play screen; the play screen disappears when the player clicks play.

I have no idea how to do that. Got any YT tutorials or a quick script on how to? I’m clueless when it comes to scripting.

I think they have too much rounding to them, try thinking of a different name that is more innovative. But other than that they look great!

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Thanks for the feedback, thinking of a good roleplay name that’ll catch a players attention is tough. I’ll get it eventually though. Thanks again!

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game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false)

This will disable the chat icon, leaderboard, health indicators, and I think that’s it. Do this function in a local script, and if it doesn’t work, try putting task.wait() in front of it as the core GUI loads slowly.

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Very nice and I like the style, over all very good but if I had a suggestion maybe some different types/shapes because everything is very roundy if you know what I mean. Overall great job!

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I’ll try it out, thanks. 30 thing

Thanks for the feedback, therew been multiple people recommending to change the UI corner thing so I’ll try that out.

It didn’t work, coregui’s never loaded. I put task.wait() in front of the script but it changed nothing. Do you think there’s a script to make the coregui disappear until the player clicks play?

That’s kinda off but what i meant is to hide these GUI if player hasn’t been pressing the play button.

Yeah I have no idea how to do that.

FrameName.Visible = true/false

Try running it in the command bar in the bottom of studio. I tested this code, and it worked.
Maybe do task.wait(0.01)?