My M249, looking for feedback. Be as harsh as possible.
It looks good, the only thing I’d change is to make the black parts all more reflective, and metallic-looking. You should also add some detail to the green box magazine. Otherwise, nice job on this!
Ah okay ty. For the metallic part, its metallic in studio, so I didnt bother adding that texture in blender. As for the box I will look in to it, ty.
The model looks amazing, but the back looks kinda blocky or something like that, so i recommend making the back a bit smoother. Otherwise, it’s very good!
It’s detailed to me, so good job on modelling it!
Oh okay, Ill try my best. Do you have any ways I could do that?
Thank you, This is actually made a while ago, I have better ones now.
You could use the cut tool in edit mode or go into sculpting mode to make the edges a bit smoother.
Alright, Ill try my very best.
add roughness/metalness/dontremembername textures, i prefer using substance painter or just random images from sites
So like PBR textures? Cause this was meant for a less detailed game, if you really want ill make a detailed textured version.
alright your gun looks like fine but the texture is decent fix it
It really depends on the style your going for but i suggest mark sharping (if this is on blender) some parts along the front near the muzzle break and remaking the bullets as they seem a little too pointy. the back end seems a little to square as well.
Alright. I made a new gun with better textures if you wanna check it out.
Well the people who commisioned me said it was fine. But Ill definitely see what I can do according to your suggestions.