Feedback On My hangout game

Hello DevForum. I Made A Hangout Game But I need Feedback What i Should Add The Game There Is A Game Link.


May you please send pictures, as I dont have time to play it.


The moon seems very jumpy and fast
The green house has no floor and half the walls don’t go into the ground
The map terrain looks really good!
I like the carrot farm at bunny’s house. Funny :wink:

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i forget Green House floor Anchor
But i Anchored

I’m not really familiar with “hangout” games on Roblox, but here are my personal thoughts on what could be added to the game:

  • The title of the game is “Meet Dino And Bunny.” My first impression from the title is that I’ll be doing just that: meeting Dino and Bunny. I found what looked like Bunny inside one of the houses, but he / she wasn’t interactable: all it did was wave its hand repeatedly. I’d like for there to be a reason behind meeting these two characters. (Also, it might be interesting if Dino and Bunny deliberately hid from you, and changed their hiding places every so often;)

  • I’d like to see some alternate activities besides just hanging out. Perhaps adding minigames or vehicles would be a nice touch. I saw a field with a bunch of carrots growing out of it, and I thought how interesting it would be if there was a “carrot minigame” of sorts; and

  • Overall, I feel like there needs to be more work done on the aesthetic of the world. Below are just two small examples:

    You can see that the seats are spaced rather far from each other, and the spacing itself is not streamlined. Some other parts (such as the bar) are not completely connected or are placed oddly.
    Here the ramp does not seamlessly transition into the platform.

Again, these are small but important details that will be noticed by people who play your game.

Hope this helped!

Not bad! Very well created, although you may want to work on the logo a little.

Thanks For Feedback I will fix All Mistakes And the Carrot Minigame Thats A Great Idea And Sorry For Shutdowning Server :sneezing_face:

Ok There Is A video

The music (No offense here.) is a little bit cringe, in my opinion. Consider changing it.

Maybe add a seat animation instead of the default.