Feedback on my horror/puzzle game

I’m currently working on a horror/puzzle game and would like some feedback on the game.

Game link :

If you have any ideas please share them with me, thanks :smiley:


Game so far looks like a rage inducing game rather than a horror game. I don’t really see what the point of the randomly exploding doors are. I get that the evil company is trying to get rid of its workers, but cmon, exploding people up just for trying to use a door? That seems kind of uncreative. I do understand that this is a demo after all, but I am going to be expecting more creative traps than that. I don’t also like the fact that it takes some time to teleport back after dying so I can just still respawn into the place I died and look at stuff, that kinda ruined it for me. Otherwise, the creepiness factor is kinda there, I assume it will be cranked up a notch in the full version. Great music choice and UI, though!

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Thanks for your feedback, will help me out a lot with the final product!

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Its very creative, although could use some work.
I found the sensitivity is way too high, like way to high lol.
The kind of sick affect is creative tho, how users are constantly in a wave type camera motion.

Overall pretty cool but just needs a sensitivity change!

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Thanks for your feedback, btw just lower your camera sensitivity in Roblox settings while in game lol