Feedback on my icon

Hello, I’d just like a rating on my icon please, and also what I can improve on and change.


It looks really good just the staff looks like it’s under the arm but overall I’d say a solid 9.5/10


I agree to what Thynx said. The staff should point at the person looking at it more.


It looks really good! 10/10 :smiley:

Very nice as always! Only thing is it feels like there is a lot of noise with the effect but thats just my opinion

I love the effects, they are really really good, good job!

It looks like a perfect thumbnail for a wizardy or magic type game. 10/10

Very well done! :slightly_smiling_face:

Like the effects and looks really good.

Omg, this is so cool. Love it!!

This Looks Really Nice! Good Job!

The lighting kinda looks weird, but I mean it’ okay. The clothing folds are weird too, and some part look kinda disconnected. The staff should be more towards the face but other then that nice rim lighting!

8/10 good job. :slight_smile:

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Looks really nice, there is a tiny winy too much noise imo but besides that it looks great

Looks great! The details are cool, and love the effects.

I do think, maybe try a different background, you got a cool fantasy mage but then a plain background.
The staff does look a bit out of place as others have said, to me it looks like it’s also too small, but I also don’t know what it’s size is actually supposed to be.
Another comment a friend made was “the intensity of the texture on his body is a bit high”, I also would add that the light from the staff seems a bit too bright.

But other than that, excellent artwork! 9/10 from me

Love the colors and the character itself, very pleasing. The arms look a bit icky but in my opinion, you did really well.

i really like the look of this logo, the only thing i would change is putting it in r6. the legs for example look kinda weird in r15, but that’s just my opinion

Was the character rigged in studio?