I would like some feedback on my Intamin roller coaster! I currently have added some new lighting effects in my game. What should I add to my build? I feel like it’s too dark, maybe I messed up the lighting. For reference, the current time is sunset.
Looks cool. Is there an image that displays it in daytime. It might stand out better in daylight.
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Wow that looks really smooth! Did you use a plugin of some sort to make this? The lighting looks cool on the bottom of the rails, but it could be a bit brighter in general.
Overall looks really cool.
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I suggest you add VR features
I know you probably already have it, just to remind you.
Mobile or PC players wont play roller coasters
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Well done you did an amazing job.
And your lighting’s are awesome!
I am planning to possibly add a day and night cycle.
I used NWSpaceK coaster plugin, Coaster Track plugin, and the default lighting effects plus blur
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