Feedback On My interrogation room

Greetings i build a interrogation room but I need Feedback Thanks For All Feedbacks :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow that looks really good!
I would make the door a bit more detailed though.

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Thanks For Feedback I Will be Try more Detailed door

It’s not bad, the picture frames are a bit blocky maybe you can make the parts thinner to lessen down the blockiness of it. And maybe you can remove the wood and replace it with a different colour of the diamond plate.

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Yeah, its a lot better now. Good job.

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Really cool! Perhaps make some better lighting though, some parts are really dark and some places are really light.

A bit more detail, right now the walls are only diamond plate, you could add other things like beams, or what not.

Looks way nicer! Good job! The diamond plate is a little over used.

I think you should have some dramatic lighting like in those spy movies.

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May sound weird, but on a couple of police shows that have interrogating rooms have foam panel walls. It may sound a little weird, but i think if you did that. It would really stand out from the others and of course i know foam panelling will be hard to make. Maybe try it and see the result!

Very nice! Love the deco and wood for walls!

The lights on the ceiling seem to be missing detail. And other than the blockiness I think it looks pretty neat.

Thanks for feedback i try and I Really Like The Result

Is that what you meant?

Thanks For All Feedbacks New interrogation room Is So Beatiful

As is, I really like the detail on the control panel. Even though not everything does something, it’s nice decoration. You should try moving some of that 3D diversity over to your walls maybe? I’ve posted some examples of what I would do down below.
Beyond just building, I would also highly recommend playing around with the lighting settings to make it feel a bit more dark; interrogation chambers are supposed to be dark and a ominous, changing the lighting to match that vibe would work wonders.
Here are the examples I just built:

10 min detailing with no lighting FX.

15 min detailing with lighting FX.

I hope I could help!
Feel free to copy or take inspiration from either of these.

Good luck with the rest of the build!

Thank You Very Much

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yes looks better! keep up the good work :slight_smile: