I made a intro and I really want to get some feedbacks on it !
I’m searching to upgrade it, if you have any ideas please send it, it will be very helpful!
try adding some delay to each text appearance
gives a bootup feel in my opinion
I like it
(30 letters grahhhhh)
Very well made and advanced, i liked it
Well done, I really like this intro, its unique and well put together!
Good job, it seems like your new to this so I wont be too harsh but here are a few things:
The first intro sequence needs work that it make the text smaller, better font, better padding and changing the sound of the lines appearing.
Then when the game name appears thats also quite wonky not that neat. That is the font being bad Text color not good and background color not good and overall just
feeling empty
Then the credits show up… Why?
Then a loud bang that would scare and make any visitors regret joining.
Thanks for your feedback ! I’ll add it later.
Thanks for your feedback! I never thought that sound can make people scared. But I’ll change it into a less scary sound.