Feedback on my Japanese High School showcase game!

Wow, this is really good it just reminds me of the one anime that I’ve seen lately that almost looks exactly like that, but just can’t think of which one. :sweat_smile:

Also, the camera angle moves a bit weird when you spawn on the roof. Is it suppose to be like that? Overall, this is just amazing keep it up!


I think the camera angle issue might be due to the lag, it happens to me when I access my game through mobile.

I might have to replace the current floor textures into a single decal to reduce the lag, though I’m not too sure if it will look blurry due to it being a decal.

Lastly I want to say, thanks your feedback, it helps!

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I like this school! The future lighting is the piece of the pie on this one! But yeah, if I were you, I would add lighting into the school. Because from the screenshots you provided. It looks like they’re only being lit by the outside lights. But all and all, I’d say this is great!

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Haha yes, the light sources are from the outside currently. When I was building until this stage I didn’t realise the impact of the new Future lighting system.

I recently found out a new way to enhance the lightings in the game because of the new Future lightning update. I hope it can assist in adding more details. Other than that, I really need to finish wrapping the building up then improve on it when I get the time to.

Since it’s close anyways, happy new year in advance!

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