This is a Japanese vending machine with 50+ parts.
I made it in two days. It makes me tired.
I haven’t add drinks. I will add it later.
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0 voters
Is there any thing I can improve?
This is a Japanese vending machine with 50+ parts.
0 voters
Is there any thing I can improve?
This is great, especially the smaller details.
I like the small details! The exterior looks a big dull, maybe try adding some decorations.
Being in Japan, I noticed that the only thing Japanese was the writing. I wouldn’t consider this an actual Japanese vending machine as they don’t look like that. I suggest taking some references from google to correctly build a Japanese vending machine. Anyway, I’m glad to see someone make a vending machine with Japanese writing as vending machines in Japan are common and necessary.
The smaller details make it look epic, adding a little bit more detail to some empty spaces or a lighter gray will probably make it perfect 9/10
I did looked up some actual pictures of Japanese Vending machine. And I also found a video which shows Japanese vending machine. I was trying to replicate it.
The color can be changed, so they can have more kinds of color than that.
It’s not too bad but, theres a lot of tiny details that aren’t way too necessary (or you can’t notice as much) and the details aren’t very consistent, theres barely any details on the body of the vending machine or the bottom and only where there are texture and signs, etc. Also suggest looking at references and stealing some of the textures to get a more accurate and more detailed looking model without really necessary being detailed (yes stealing the textures from them) and adding signs is a pain to do and plus you said this took 2 days which is way too long for a vending machine (not sure if you’re going for extreme detail or just high detail)
It wasn’t really 2 days, because I count sleeping time in it.
Stealing textures? I don’t really think that works.
Here’s a picture I found on the web that is the same as the ones where I live. It give off the traditional Japanese vibe and overall would make for a better Japanese vending machine:
I thought you actually took a picture. lol
By the way, I was actually modeling the other kind of Japanese vending machine.
Like this:
add dings and scratches, and some stickers/graffiti on the sides.
Its amazing i like the small details there but maybe add some decoration on the vending.
you probably won’t get sued over a couple pixels lol as long as you’re not really making like tons of money off (litterally thousands) of it it’s pretty much fine the really only time you shouldn’t steal textures from are 3d modeling libraries(like if they say you can’t sell the textures on a model then don’t) but if you really wanna take your time to check then go ahead
Add colour to the machine and then update the images , I’m sure you will recieve better ratings.
Try adding textures to the machine exterior too.