Hi! I was browsing the forum a few days ago and I saw DevBuckette’s post, which showcased a katana that he remodeled. Seeing his model gave me some inspiration to make my own, so I decided to take a swing at it.
I first want to say that I have no intention of using this in a game, this was created just for fun. Looking back now I could have tweaked a few things and created a better end result, but I’ll save that for another time. Let me know what you think, feedback is appreciated!
I think it’s very cool over all but as someone who has been invested in Ancient Japanese weapons I noticed something off. I know that when they are forming the blade they fold it onto it’s self which is called Hand Folded. Which leaves a mark like steal ripples. I’d advise doing something like that bringing a bit more depth to it.
Thanks for the feedback! I know there are 2 types of patterns on katanas that are typically seen. What you sent is what I believe to be damascus (formed by using 2 types of steel folded in on itself). The other, more traditional pattern, is created by using clay which results in a sort of wavy line down the blade. I actually wanted to try doing a Hamon, but I need to get better at learning how to create textures before trying that.
Looks quite good, although could you post an image of the wireframe too? I would personally have made the habaki a little shorter but that’s artistic license. Great work aside from that.
If I were to remake this again, I would have changed the amount of segments for the handle wrap/ito (and possibly how I constructed them) and the guard/tsuba design.