Feedback on my (Kinda Trash) Group icon

Okay. Could you post an image of what the layers of your icon look like?


K. Go onto the layer titled yesYas.jpeg

Okay btw do you have dizzy or something?(So its easyier)

I don’t have dizzy unfortunately.

Oh oof well thats alright we can just do it like this

So, once you’re on that layer. You need to go to the top and press Adjustments. Then press Hue & Saturation. Drag the top bar titled Hue to change the colour of the rays.

Looks good, wish to see more appealing than the original logo

Looks really good, simple but effective.

Okay im back Vqnilla eeeeeeeee

It’s not trash, it’s just simple! It reminds me of the old Roblox gamepass icons, and that’s completely fine. You don’t always need a perfectly detailed, time consuming, or expensive logo that will end up being replaced a few months later.

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Hmmmmm nvm about that Ima just do my own

Alright! Sounds good. Glad I could help a bit :smiley:

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This could use a few improvements to boost the quality and design of it experiment with (lighting - effects - colors ect).

The ‘text’ itself looks blurry consider to not overdo with the effects as it would overtake the design and clutter it, group icons are kinda suppose to have a basic design yours looks good you could increase the quality of it.

While it does have that simplistic design I would advise you to get inspiration from other group logos to have a more defining look and design. Regarding you could size the sunburst to fit the entire image; if you think your image looks (trash or bland) find ways to make it stand out add smaller improvements and see what the end result brings you.

dont worry, this isn’t trash at all!! it is very simple, the colors look nice together. i may just have bad eyes; but it looks like the text is very slightly to the left from the center. otherwise, this is a very good logo!

It is not a trash, way better than every icon i can do

Looks good! If anything I’d adjust the Sunrays to a cool blue, and add something to the background, otherwise all looks good!