any feedback on my laser rifle i just modeled in blender?
yes, there is no mag, i dont intend adding them, also pls give real feedback
i want to know if theres anyimprovements to color or the model itself
UPDATE: made the black underbarrel at the bottom matching th gun color
Pretty good, only personal nitpicks;
- i don’t like the barrel being a large circle, doesn’t make it look very functional, also looking disconnected from the rest of the model
- the gun looking a little too smoth, which if it’s a cartoony artstyle is perfectly fine
- the trigger guard looks a little too wide
it’s all just nitpicks there’s nothing, wrong with the models
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thanks for the feedback
ill try and improve the model based on the suggestions you made
tbh i do feel like the barrel is kinda ugly; i rushed that a bit when modeling
you think this might look a bit more better?
(in blender im too lazy to color right now)
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It os better but make it “ease” more into the rest of the model, on weapons the barrel is directly connected to the gun not strapped in front of it, it also seems like the edges of the barrel extrude past the body
I’m not good at explaining it exactly, but it should look like it’s all interconnected part
i dont quite get what your saying about being connected, maybe if you show me a quick sketch then I might be able to understand
The shape changes abruptly going from a somewhat boxy body to a round cone shaped barrel, making it look like the barrel is another part strapped in front of the gun instead of another part of the singular mechanism
I don’t have access to my PC right now but if i do later i will try to quickly make an example up in Blender
you think I should make another smaller thinner cylinder to connect the main gun part to the barrel
this is an image i got from CS2

it seems like the barrel nwhich is a cylinder is connected t the main gun part though
i want to achieve this effect
I think just having the barrel match better the shape of the rest of the gun would be enough