Feedback on my latest GFX

I just made this as military propaganda yesterday.
What do you think? How should I improve this GFX?



Looks nice!
The headlights of the cars look pretty fake. Maybe if you blurred the edges a bit and angled them so they look like they’re on the car.
Other than that everything eles looks nice!!

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  1. Ehance field of view
  2. Atmospheric Fog
  3. I can see the border of the lens flare png (the headlights)

This has great potential, can’t wait to see what you do with it! :heart:

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It looks great! Although I would suggest maybe adding a bump to the character texture, and position the gun to where it looks as if he is holding it. And, this isn’t required, but if you added textures to the house in the background, this GFX would get 3x better. But it looks great! Keep up the good work!

It looks really good! One thing that caught my eye was the puddle in the corner, though.


It looks really dark. You could add a reflection to that to fix it.

Other than that, great job!

Look’s Pretty nice, But you could have added some hats on the character would’ve made him look alot better.

It’s supposed to be muddy black water at night/evening that’s why I made it dark.