Feedback on my latest GFX!

Hi there!
I’m Raiinbow_Skies, I’ve been making aesthetic GFXs for the last few months now, and I am looking for some feedback on my latest one. You can see more of my work here [Closed] Free gfx profile pictures!
(Apologies for the watermark situation, i really don’t want my GFXs
to get stolen)

In my opinion, the bubbles are weirdly positioned, what do you think? I was also just wondering, do you think I should start a portfolio? I’m pretty new to commissions, so I don’t really know what my work is worth.

Should I start a portfolio?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Have more practice

0 voters

Thank you for your help! :smile:


Amazing! Like I have said numerous times now :sweat_smile: , I love all your GFXs. It does look like the character is floating but other than that it is one of the best I have seen. Keep up the good work and I definitely think you should create a portfolio.


Aw, thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words, that means a lot to me! :heartpulse:


The GFX is well done. The only thing that pulls down my marks for this GFX is that your watermarks are blocking the GFX. Overall, I love the atmosphere, background and more. Well done on the lighting and the posing!

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Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it :heartpulse:

I agree about that watermark, I’m still trying to figure out one that works for me, do you reckon a small one just under the head could work?

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If possible, try to put a watermark at one of the corners of the GFX. That way, the person that tries to steal your GFX won’t notice it until you point your fingers to that corner containing the GFX.

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I’ve never actually thought about it that way lol, I’ve always thought that people would just crop it off and claim it as their own, but that’s a pretty good strategy!

Then, they will have a different size of the GFX, which is still an evidence for you.

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they can use patch tool, content remover tool or clone stamp tool to remove the watermark on the gfx without changing it’s size using photoshop

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I didn’t even know that was possible, I just use Ibis Paint X (a drawing app) to add the watermarks.

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I think polls are unnecessary. just see what people got in the comments and see what’s cool in it.
Also, this one looks good but a little bit generic and it’s really identical to most fem style GFX artists

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This is amazing. How did you add the background and bubbles?

Thanks for the feedback! I agree it is quite generic, but I really love to create GFXs in the ‘aesthetic’ style. I’m not really sure how to make them stand out tbh.

Hi! I’m glad you like it! :smile:

For the canyon kinda background, I used an HDRI, which also gave me the smooth lighting. For the garden scene, I got that off the toolbox (I’d never be able to make it myself lol). The bubbles took me a very long time to make, many YouTube tutorials, and a lot of material nodes. It’s essentially just UV spheres shaded smooth, with a shiny/transparent texture. If you want, I can send you a photo of the material nodes tomorrow, when I have access to my computer again?


This one looks great! I really like it! Everything is good, the lighting, the shading…

Keep up the good work!

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Think of a similar aesthetic but not too similar. experiment with stuff. you seem to be great at the GFX gig. you might be able to find a new way for it!

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This is absolutely splendid. Sort of a late reply, but I really like how you did this one! The lighting, the way you chose certain BSDFs to better your work, you’re really up there! Definitely start a portfolio, although you might have already! :white_heart:


Looks clean and nice, especially for a game surrounding that. Can‘t think of much feedback but just keep at it, lookin‘ good.

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Due to watermark , I can’t really have a look at the lightning…

But it’s :fire: , definitely start a portfolio.