Feedback on my little Island

Ask you guys know the title for today was my little Island but on my previous title it was about “RiverSide Hill”. On that page, I made a big mistake because there were a lot of trees I must handle so I must make it an island but there was something I wanna Talk about it.
Here is a two photo that looks lit…


is it good on your opinion and is it worth it of my time on this or no?
Give me your special ‘Feed’ and sent it to me to know that is it worth of my time working on this as one day in Roblox studio?

and I will see you guys next time…cya :+1: :smiley:


Can you provide a game link please?

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Very nice! One of the few things I can tell you is to avoid those horizontal dead trees. A good rule of thumb is a tree should always face the sun and/or sky unless it has been moved from that location by hand. In this case that wouldn’t make much sense. Trees that grow on the sides of cliffs tend to turn upwards towards the sun to get more light. These trees would still be curled upwards towards the sun.

Here is an image for reference:

Another thing you should work on in this case is color! I understand you may be going for an autumn look but the bright green grass says summer. Most of what we see on the forest floor is leaves! If those trees have gone through autumn there should be plenty of leaves on the floor. You should try to match the color of the grass to those trees. You should also adjust the color of those more red trees. Trees during autumn tend to be a brown, orange, or maroon color. Nothing too bright. Also, with your FogColor, it seems almost too purple. I’d either tone it down with the color or increase the fog to where you don’t see the large purple band in the distance. Besides that, I’d mess around with the shadow colors to get a pinky tone you’re going for. Shadow colors are very neglected and add a beautiful ambiance. Wonderful build besides that! :grin: :+1:


Sorry, the game is not done yet,t the game will open when Bloxy were out.
so I hope you are patient.

The bloxes already happened? But ok. You should make a Cool Creations post when its done, because its looking good!

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Please, stop using gyazo… Just insert the image by dragging and dropping it. It makes everyones life so much easier.


so… what kind of website that can post the id to Devforum?

Let me show you…

Then it just appears as a simple, easy, image.



Wow! The islands look very beautiful. I really like the looks for the Windmill, the trees and the terrains that are creative. It really brings a nice imagination, and the ambience brings a nice touch.

Keep up the amazing progress! :+1:

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Wait do you think that it?
maybe you try to find my little easter egg.
it was hidden in a picture number “2”

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