Feedback on my loadingscreen

My recommendation is to focus on the transition when the loading ended. As of right now it isn’t very clear and fades super quickly. I am not asking you to extend the fading time but rather make something that makes it more interesting (Swiping to the top, maybe a change of color as it fades, etc…)

Apart from that I really liked the loading screen! Keep up the good work!

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@DasKairo isn’t talking about the loading itself, but rather when the logo appears before the loading starts.

Oh ok. Sorry ! I delete the post right now !

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@STORMGAMESYT7IP Not Exactly, i was talking about the Size of the Logo and how it could Fade.

Isn’t that what I want to imply? I am sorry if it was not clear.

Looks pretty good but make it more faster because i think it’s super slow.