Feedback on my loadingscreen

Hey guys,
I just finished my loading screen for a game where my team and I are working on.
I want to hear some feedback about it. Do you like it? Is there anything I can improve?

  1. The logo at the start, is the logo of our Roblox Group.
  2. I would reccomend you joining the game, so its better so see!
    Loadingscreen - Roblox
  3. The loading bar actually loads. If you have bad internet, or there is a large map, it loads longer. (I write this, because the most loadingscreens I see, just wait a specific time instead of actually loading)

Made by me. @MrAhmalo

Thank you for your feedback in advance!


Looks good, but i think the intro could be a bit faster? or at least fade faster?

I have to agree with @DasKairo because it seems the logo at the start stays there for a while.

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Ok, I will make it a bit shorter. And what do you think of the rest?

maybe make the loading Gui at bit bigger? at 0:09 and maybe the Logo as well

Looks good! The only thing I would do is make it a bit bigger!

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This is why I said watch in fullscreen, sadly even with fullscreen its small, because if you are ingame, its actually bigger.

even at full screen, its hard to see. and im at 1080p60 Quality

Edit, i changed the quality to 1440p and i can see it better but its still really small.

I will send you guys a link real quick to the game to watch it in game.

Can you also include the name of the game I prefer not to click links

Its a official roblox link, but okay the name is just “Loadingscreen”. Link: Loadingscreen - Roblox
roblox. com/games/11263283176


Check the game, It appears to be private


It should be public now! I hope I scaled it right…

I would make it bigger still also on mobile it looks smaller too

Still looks small, Its only sightly bigger but thats all.

Okay, I will make it bigger. Thanks for your feedback guys!


A good loadingscreen for fps games.

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there is much empty space. why not inserting a large thumbnail in the center with some effects?

Yeah good idea! I will defenetly implement this.

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I think this is the best loading screen I seen on the DevForum !

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