Feedback on my logo

Hey Robloxians!

I’m working on a new logo for my game studio ‘Imagine Studios’ and I’m phasing a problem. As you can see in the example the ‘D’ is identical to the ‘O’, this is because rounding it off with half pixels would go against the left to right triangle style from ‘Studios’. I really don’t know what to do with it and thought you may have some suggestions. If you have any other feedback, you can let me know as well.


Kind regards, iamajust


By the way, I made this with my new bestie Figma! I recommend everyone to try it.

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Would need a background,
You should change the D to not look like a O.

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That is very nice. You should change the colors. I recommend a gradient of orange and purple.

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That’s the whole problem I’m facing and that I mentioned in the post. But the ‘Studios’ text has a left to right triangle style so this would look weird:


Any ideas for the ‘D’? Or should I keep it? I’m very curious about your opinions.

I would perhaps use a different font where the letter don’t look too similar; if you start tampering to change the “D” to not look like the “O”, it’ll likely not match or align correctly with the rest of the words. :slight_smile:

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It’s actually not a font, I made all of these parts myself using the pen tool on Figma.

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Oh fair play, looks good regardless but yeah not sure how to go about the shape of them two letters I am afraid. Perhaps square off the bottom left of the D, and corner the top right of the O?

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It looks quite lacking when it comes to detail. First, you should add a background and add more detail around the text to make it look more appealing. I understand that it is not a font, but it may be easier to use one so you can edit it. Otherwise, it looks pretty good!

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Hello! This is just the concept of the letters, all the other stuff will come later. I’m just doubting the identical D and O. Thank you for the feedback!

I like the font, kind of reminds me of AC-DC font but personally I think its too empty. I recommend adding a background or letter shading.

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Maybe, but a lot of groups have it that way as well. It isn’t really needed in less a lot of people start noticing it.

I’ve changed the G to look less like a C. I still don’t know what to do with the D, but maybe it isn’t that disturbing? What do you think? I’m also experimenting with different variants and this is an example:


In my opinion, your logo is great, but there are 2 things that I don’t like.
You should put some colors and change the D and make it doesn’t look like O.
But I like your logo! :happy2:

Maybe add a back for the text - by what I mean is add a second layer behind the text, move it to the corner of the text and colour it to make it look 3D.

I don’t know if that sounds incredibly complicated or not.

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Hi! The post above yours shows a colored variant, do you think that is better? I also don’t know what to do with the D because rounding off the corners will go against the left up to right down style of the word ‘Imagine’.

About the colors above us are great!
Also about the D, you can keep it like that, the difference is not so big.

Do you mean this with 3D effect?

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Yep, that’s exactly what I mean. It looks so much better with the outline.

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