Feedback on my Low Detail Cafe Table

Hello! I would like some feedback on this low detail table that was made for my cafe! Do you think I could improve? It is supposed to be low detail, so what do you think?


Please share your thoughts!


Looks nice try at a plant or something on the table btw good job

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It looks really good, but I think you should lower the chairs a little bit because when a player sits the legs might touch the table.


Great idea! I’ll try that! Thank you for the suggestion!

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It’s very nice and simple, keep it up!

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Very simple, this looks pretty good!

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Its fairly simple, though for some reason the chair is transparent and I can see the collison. The chairs and table do seem a bit high? Add a plant or something. It looks good

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Looks good!
Simple, yet, very nice! Maybe add some decoration on it, as other people are suggesting an plant or something of that nature, but overall, pretty good!

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The model looks alright, i would try removing the stand holding the chair as it doesn’t look that good however, there is not that much to say or provide feedback. I would recommend adding some small details on top of the table such as a potted plant candles maybe it would look a little better if you added some real wood textures, onto it.

Maybe a armrest it really depends on the style your going for if the tables and chairs match with the build i wouldn’t change anything. Maybe change or remove the stand holding the seat to something more natural.


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Very simple, but it’s good too. With some plants would look even better :slight_smile: