Feedback on My Low Poly Building

Hi there, My Name is Taha Siddique, You can call me Taha. I Created this building today, Please leave any Kind of Feedback on it. I would love to know how to improve it.


Hey Taha! Great job!
Low poly is my favorite building style and I think you did a great job!

I like the planters under the windows, I also like how many windows you have on this build :smiley:
I would add a bit more detail to the windows on the lower level, but that’s just me personally lol

Over all, I think you did a great job! Keep it up! :slight_smile:

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It’s interesting to see a decent low-poly build, and I quite may say, I appreciate the quality.
Though, since the building appears to he red, and it resembles that it was made from bricks, might I suggest maybe add some bricks for the wall, similar to the image.
To give the building some good appearance.

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In my opinion, it looks great so far, but more could be added.

Like for an example, add plants either on the windows and/or on the bottom floor next to the outer wall. Parhaps add lights on the staircase, with something on the roof.

Overall it has potential for more details with the design of the building. Though right now it looks good. :grinning:

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Great outer design for a low poly building, and I really appreciate your efforts, as I see it, a lot of thought went into it.
As @megapaul0917 said, you should consider adding some low poly bricks around the walls to not only give it a slight more tint of detail but also just make it look overall nicer.
Overall, good job!

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The build features a small amount of objects however it looks decent love the different shades of colors.

While choosing a color scheme i find your colors a bit bland you could try increasing the lighting to reflect those cartoony colors a bit or place those various details on the roof. This will give the build a more natural look, the different shade of colors makes the build more unique.

At the start, you have a small amount of objects that cover a certain area. Don’t be afraid to experiment with smaller objects so the build could look less empty. You’ll still have a cartoony look, it will just give it more life to the build with small amount of detail could look plain perhaps change the color to the base appearance so it could match the color scheme from the start very well done.

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Alright, Thanks. I’ll work on it.

I’ll Try, Thank you for the suggestion, It means a lot to me.

I focused on the filling spots so it doesn’t look empty a bit, I’ll work on exterior more. Your suggestion is Highly Appreciated.

I’ll try to make another model like this with your suggestions. I Started making Low poly Building 1 month ago. So I didn’t have many ideas. I got your suggestion, now I’ll work on it. Thanks!

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