i just created this low poly shop and i would like to get some feedback:
Thank you
Hey! It looks pretty good, but I think that it’s quite small and doesn’t have much detail. You can add a few boxes outside or something to make it feel more complete.
ok thank you! (30 characterss)
It looks okay, but it’s squarish. I’d recommend using wedges/ GapFill plugin.
Could work, but I was indeed talking about the lateral edges of the walls.
oh ok thanks (30 charactersss)
I genuinely like it glad you gave the building some shape so it doesn’t look like a box.
I would recommend you expand on the detail try adding some items outside such as plants, posters, etc. For starters, you can give your door a handle because it looks rather simple experiment with colors. Maybe try blue and other colors with that around, in the building. Maybe change the base to grey and maybe throw a white color to it, that is just a suggestion you could possibly add.
The awning looks quite small because it’s leaving a bit empty area above it may be extend the awning a bit more. Try placing some plants by the build just to give it a bit more decoration or possibly add something on the windows, since you’re making a shop I think it’s a nice start.
Otherwise, it looks pretty nice!
It looks great, well done!
To improve on the detail, I would recommend adding lines inside the windows like this:
Furthermore, you could add a little more detail to the flag by adding more of them to look a little less square, like how I did here.
I would recommend using different colours for the outline rather than black, and adding some lighter colours in the build to lighten it up a bit. Low poly styles tend to use a lot of bright and pastel colours, from my experience.
Finally, you should also add some more props to your build, like maybe a chalk board or some boxes, or maybe a little market stall? You can look at my build for some concepts.
Good luck!
ok i will try thank you! (30 characters)
I really like it! Maybe what I would do is add a window shine and maybe make it a little taller vertically, other than that, it’s awesome, good job!