Feedback on my Low Poly Showcase

Hi, I created this showcase about a week ago and I was wondering what is your opinion on it.


I love this! Personally, I love low-poly so this would be a automatic thumbs up for me. This is a amazing and beautiful showcase, the trees, plants and buildings go so well with the environment! The level of detail is superb and I love all the different designs and terrain. Good work on the showcase, you are amazing at it. Keep doing what your doing! :rocket::smile:


Thanks! I will keep that in mind


This is beautiful, the lightning is perfect and the terrain are smooth. Great job!


I love the terrain and the variety of trees that you have. Though I can’t say the same for your house. It doesn’t seem to fit in with surrounding. Maybe change the color to brown and add more detail to the window? Having smoke coming out of the chimney is going to be a good touch too.



I find the showcase great, you did the following:

  • Used lighting properly

  • Used different variations for the trees, such as their size, shape and form, color etc.

  • Used different variations for the houses.

  • Used the terrain edit tool properly and created a nice landscape.

  • Overall, used the Low-Poly style, just as you wanted it to look like.

I have nothing to suggest for you to add, good job!


Thanks for the suggestions, I will make sure to do those changes.


The design is really good, I see nothing that you need to change nor add.
How long has this taken you to make?

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About a week but i was learning how to use Blender and getting used to F3X.

I love this so much especially the sun rays, you did really good!
The only thing I want to say is that I think the houses look nice, but could look better with a little improvement, keep up the good work though this looks very unique!

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I really like this! Keep up the great work. :+1:

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