Hello, I was making some Low-Poly trees for my game and just felt like something wasn’t right about them, in terms of aesthetics.
So I would like to see what other people think about them.
I think the trunk is a bit too big, maybe you can scale it down a bit and add more faces. Upper part of the tree looks nice, the only thing that isn’t good is that it looks a bit too much symmetrical. Other than that it looks okay.
I think it looks quite nice. The only thing is that the log seems too short for me. Maybe get rid of the leaves or move them up a bit? But overall, it looks great!
Heyo Imperium!
The tree looks very simple so that’s definitely a plus, and there’s not much to change. The only things to change that’ll make a improvement are:
- Height of the Trunk.
- Centering the Trunk to the leaves
You could just extend the leaves so they cover the trunk more, making it more natural in a sense.
I like it but the problem is, it lacks some detail. The trunk is too tall and the leaves seems too plain, I would add maybe 2 more smaller layers to the tree.
Thank you for your feedback, I will now improve on my tree.
Looks good, the trunk could be a bit thinner though.
I want to pick up everything that people said before my post, and I also want to mention up my personal opinion on this.
– Your build looks like a tree
- You can recognize the shapes and forms
- The colors are nice to look at
- It’s Low-Poly, meaning it fits the theme.
What bothers me, is what @Arszm mentioned before in his post.
Everything else looks just fine, it can be used for a game indeed.
I wish you best of luck in the future.
The trunk looks a little to big for the tree If you make it smaller it would look much better.
Looks good but maybe make the trunk have more shape and the leaves look good Here is a simple tutorial on how to make the trunk better
First, add a cylinder and make it about 10 vertices
And then go to Edit mode by pressing Tab and select those 4 dots on top
After selecting those 4 dots shrink it down by pressing S
And after that press Ctrl R and it will appear a yellow line Click it and shrink it by pressing S
And there we have it a Trunk with more shape it is not perfect and also I am a beginner in Blender so I am not a professional