I’ve recently made a requested a blocky car, requested by a user for a commission. I would like to get some feedback on it. (Note, the car is was meant to be blocky)
Thank you!
I’ve recently made a requested a blocky car, requested by a user for a commission. I would like to get some feedback on it. (Note, the car is was meant to be blocky)
Thank you!
Nice work, but what’re the black things on the side of the car?
The black things on the side of the car are door handles.
I’m confused on why the passenger and driver sides don’t have handles?
That was my bad, I didn’t realize. Thank you!
The car’s design are pretty interesting.
If I were to suggest anything to improve on your car it would be to use different colors, giving them a more unique look at the start most of the objects are just white as they seem to blend in with the ground floor and those black objects which I assume are door handles, consider moving them up to the passenger side and driver side they kinda look like front mirrors then handles, because they look a bit big at the moment.
You could try placing different colors so certain objects won’t blend in with each other if you know what I mean, even if you’re going for a blocky car design.
Try adding exhaust tubes and moving the bed of the truck back some - or expand it more. These look pretty nice, good work!
I’ll take your suggestions into consideration! Thank you!
Cute designs, but in addition to what others have said, I’d move the front wheels forward a tad.