Feedback on my medieval fantasy wall? (UPDATED)

I’m attempting to remake a market in an MMORPG called Neverwinter.
I would just like feedback on how it looks from an outside perspective possibly not knowing what Neverwinter is.


I’ve added textures, and I have to say, it does look significantly better. But my only problem is detail. I do not know how to make the walls look non-repetitive. I lack the necessary skill. If anyone could give me ideas on how I could possibly add and feedback on how it looks, please let me know!


It’s very very nice I love the same all the colors have the matching type down the line. :smile:

Looks copy and pasted, add details so it looks different.

not really the best explain but I hope you get what I mean.

It looks good and detailed, I like the layers of depth. If I would change anything it would probably be taking off the ROBLOX Materials and replacing them with custom textures, personally I think this could ad whole new levels of depth in the build. Good luck with you project!

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I mean, it’s a pretty basic wall - which if that’s your goal, you definitely achieved it :stuck_out_tongue:

Granted, due to the limited content you have here, I’d recommend you ask for a progression check when you’re a little further, that way, we have more to actually give feedback on.

Check out my thread on how to make a good thread that’s asking for feedback here:

Additionally, I would highly recommend you not name your RPG Neverwinter, as that’s already a copyrighted name (I played the MMO as a kid, and its franchise is still going strong). You should always avoid copyright infringement, especially now with the three strike system that can land you in a heap of trouble later on.

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Your wall is lacking some detail.
Here are things you can possibly add:
• Vegetation: Bushes, tree’s, etc
• A few more windows

  • Chimney
    And many more things.
    Overall I do like the colors you’ve used, and the style is pretty nice!
    Keep up the great work!

It’s close but I would definitely recommend a quick google search of medieval walls to give you a better reference. And I agree with what @DesertedArtist stated, retexturing the wall with non-traditional Roblox textures will significantly change the overall look of the wall. :smiley:

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I have a strike on my record, for felon purposes. Does that have anything to do with copyright? Is it a separate strike?

The walls are definitely lacking detail, all you did was copy and paste the same section over and over. I’d suggest making each wall different and unique, as well as each one having different aspects.

Pretty well done, you could improve it by using textures but still nice wall.

It is very simplistic but I like it, maybe use other textures that Roblox doesn’t have.

Good luck! :smile:

This looks much better! Nicely done!

A difficult thing to master with modeling/building is refraining from symmetry. You have to put some effort to make the wall look aged or cracked along some parts to make it feel more natural. If you use blender for these, I would Boolean some cracking shapes into the wall to make it look unique.

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Okay! Thank you, I’ll try making it look aged, as well as post more images. Thank you!

Ignore the repetitive look if that’s how the wall in Neverwinter looks, you wouldn’t want to move a ton of parts around and make it look sloppy if that’s not what the model looks like, a lot of medieval style buildings retained the same type of style, one thing id recommend if you don’t want repetitiveness, is move the two inner Pillars closer that way not every wall is identical. Other than that I think it looks well done!