Feedback on my Menger Sponge build!

Hello, Mad here with a suprise structure for you!

This structure is a 1296x1296x1296 model of not one, but EIGHT Menger Sponges (4th iteration) put together into a 2x2 cube.
Each M4 fractal is 648x648x648 studs long, and is all made up of 8x8x8 parts.

Look closely and you can see an humanoid (1.0 body type, Rig type R6) on the corner of the fractal. It has not been scaled, so this shows how massive this is.
Now, I was planning on creating a 5th iteration of the menger sponge, but either Studio or my computer decided it was at its limit so I decided on just making 8 copies of the 4th iteration sponge and put them together. Nonetheless, I am very proud of this side-project.

Here’s another picture of the Menger Sponge (Atmosphere, skybox, bloom, depth and sunray effects removed)

And an inside view

What do you think?


all im gonna say is thats giant spongebob


I mean this looks really cool! What is its purpose lol?


there is no purpose to it - just a build i made for fun

may make a public place for people to explore it and thats it

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I’m going to ask you-is it handmade or generated? Either way it’s awesome.

maybe make some secrets in it and other stuff :eyes:

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all handmade. Moving the models for the 4th iteration was a nightmare as it got extremely laggy and that was the reason i couldn’t make it any bigger

maybe make some secrets in it and other stuff

maybe i could add some notes and logs hidden in it, you’re right!

Day 15:
I’m trapped. I need to hide. They’re getting to me. I need to run.
To survive.
They took my friends

Or you could make it more like a meme game.
I’d play both lol


perhaps i’ll get around developing that
however, im still developing another game, which is a melee fistfight-pvp game based off classic noob avatars, so the fractal may have to wait!