Feedback on my Menu UI

Hi! I’ve been working on a menu UI for my game.
I need some feedback on it.
Please mainly criticize it.

Menu UI Image


change the font a little its a bit basic - my suggestion. gl

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I must say I do like the concept, though, I’ll agree with @JustAnotherDevGuy. The system could use some changes in fonts, colors and background designs. For example, some kind of pattern of some sort. Maybe even complementary colors.

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I don’t know what a modern not basic font would be.

Comic Sans? :joy:


Actually nah its fine the fonts good, just remember to make it a bit brighter with colors :slight_smile: kids appeal to games that have more brighter colors! - my suggestion.

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Thanks, I’m thinking of revamping it to be alot better. I’m not that sure on how to make it more nicer and better.

Yeah, I might stick the Google’s font Roboto, or something better. What would you say would be a good background design for a RP School Based game?

Okay :happy1:

Thanks for your feedback!


So a bit more neon? Got it!

I never really appeled to brighter colors when I was younger. Maybe it was just :man_shrugging:me

Thank you for helping me alot

:rofl: good luck with your game!

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Remember. Not too bright. Otherwise it’ll burn your eyes. Try to stay at a similar color scheme. It wouldn’t be the best if the entire rainbow is presented on the home screen.
Otherwise, good luck! Your idea looks to be pretty cool.

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Thank you, good luck on your projects too!

Okay, yeah it would be really bad if it was rainbow

Thank you

(my quote thing is not working for some dumb reason)

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ye stick to 1 / 2 colors? preferebly 1

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@JustAnotherDevGuy @ennulustrumm

What do you guys think of the color pallete?

very nice variety of colors choose which one u think suits bets for your game

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Awesome! Love them.
They look amazing. Calm, colorful.

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I like the Menu UI. Although I believe visually impaired people would have trouble reading the small text. And I could barely see what the text was saying. I would darken the text and make it larger and that should fix the problem. But it looks good so far!

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(sorry for mistakes i’m on my phone cuz my mac is not loading the dev forum)

oh i totally forgot, i’m revamping the UI so i’ll keep that in mind

okay i think it will too[quote=“antojensob, post:16, topic:948500”]
But it looks good so far!

thank you but i don’t like it that much anymore

thanks for commenting on my post

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it looks Cool :woot: .
I love this type of UIs, but I think you should use this fonts : Gotham, GothamBlack.

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I use this colors in my UIs too. :+1:

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Looks very clean! I like it!
But you could make the X in the close button white.
Otherwise, pretty good!

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