Feedback on my menu

So I made this menu for a project I am working on, does anyone have any ideas for improvements?

It has a soundtrack & sound effects but sadly Gyazo does not support sound.

EDIT: With sounds (In studio) also added depth field of view instead of just a plane blur


I think the siding transition looks odd, but other than that, great menu!

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Looks great so far! I recommend adding some shapes (ex. Circle squiggle or any type of wrap shape) and make sure there are no pixels! I like it a lot! Make sure to tone the animations down and make it smooth.

Happy Building!!!

Thanks, FusionFast :copyright:

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Yeah I thought the same the animations look kind of odd, do you have any ideas for a nicer animation, right now I just use tweening but yeah it’s kinda ruining the vibe. Thanks for your feedback!

What do you mean with shapes & what use would I for them? The menu is based around a medieval genre, shapes would kind of ruin the vibe it gives off in my opinion but thanks for your feedback!