Feedback on my Minigames Lobby and what can I add?

I’m currently working on a minigames game, and this is going to be the lobby for it. There are some empty spaces which I have no idea on what to put in there. If you could tell me what I could put there, along with feedback, I’d appreciate it a lot.


Looks really good, but try to make it unique somehow.


I really like it. It’s really better than the older version :wink:
You should add dirt piles, low poly grass and maybe low poly flower models to fill the empty spots.
Adding 2 layers of mountains will add some variation aswell and make it better and give feel like the map is bigger.
Making the supports of the bridge lower will make it look better in my opinion. It looks like too much support for its size.
Some smoke particles near the rocks in the water would give a river feel to the water and if you add a low poly water texture on the water it will be %100 better.
Overall I like it. You really did a good job on improving it.

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Maybe you could add some statues of the developers, and if you have any gamepasses you can add a pedestal for the different gamepasses. Add more layers to the mountains because right now they don’t look like mountains/natural.

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Thanks so much. Glad you remembered this, lol. I will definitley do all the things you suggested, I agree it would look much better.

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Thanks for the ideas. I don’t really understand how I would go about adding more layers, if you could tell me, I’d appreciate it!

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Just add bigger mountains surrounding the mountains that are already there

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Those mountains look weird, try making them a lot more flat and not look like it’s copy and pasted

Sorry about not responding earlier but Adding more layers means add different sizes of mountains around the each individual mountain. Something like bubble gum simulator.

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