I made this lobby for my minigames. Replies with what I can change and, criticizing would be much appreciatied! P.S. I made everything here myself, there are no free models or anything!
Close up on parkour.Making the mountains have different tones of brown will make it better. In my opinion it just needs some color variation and some rocks etc. for the landscape.
very nice obby maybe trying different color of brown for the obby
Sick man! I’m currently working on my minigame game right now lol.
Awesome, and thanks! Remind me to check it out, when you finish!
Will do man, and no problem this is a really good build!
As ButterrDev said, add some color variation. Other than that, very nice low poly build!
I think the map is too simple and nothing else on it. I probably give you more ideas that can make you “Minigames Lobby” a little bit cool and awesome. To make your “Minigames Lobby”
much more cooler If you Put or Make a Bush, Rock, Crate (that has the game logo or group logo), Make The Obby a little bit Detail, more terrain so that the mountain dont just go straight up, Shop or Store and Also Other cool things that can make the map environment look real and great. You also add some lightning option into your game so that the game that you created has a little bit detail and also a great view. I’m Telling this because of some user in Roblox like the environment that the game offers. So… I think that is all I wanna try to say and always stay healthy!
Make some side walks going out of the bridge and up to the spawn area and parkour area.
I really appreciate you giving me all the criticism! I’ve already added rocks, and going to put lighting in soon. I don’t understand what you mean by a crate with a logo on it, by that I mean, where do I put the logo on the crate? And I don’t know how to make any more details on the parkour, if you could tell me how I can, I’d appreciate it!
Me also.
But it has cutscenes and transitions.
I suggest adding material. For example the trees(specifically the leaves) and the grass are grass material. The mountains and the circle stone thing is either concrete or Slate. The bridge, obby, and the tree( specifically the trunk) is wood material. If I were you I would probably test out the obby to make sure its possible to do. On the other side of the bridge, there is an empty spot maybe try filling something in it. You should also make a path to the stone circle thing the the bridge and lead the path some where. Overall its good.
I would suggest adding some elevation for the map, as it looks relatively flat.
I would use subdivided cubes instead of uv spheres for terrain, looks better in my opinion